• with an unique outdoor LED strip the suitable accessories with it - solutions well thought out
  • with the set of end caps or with the coating form seal the cutting area of AQUALUC by yourself
  • depending on the appication, choose between:
  • ready to use set of end-caps (by simply dripping PU into the end cap)
  • precise enclosing form (coating the cutting areas without rough edges with PU), thereby the width of the strip will not be modified and can still be mounted in the retaining profile

Stock item Nuremberg (delivery status subject to change) Stock item Nuremberg (delivery status subject to change) Order-specific production/procurement Order-specific production/procurement not (no longer) availableg (delivery status subject to change) not (no longer) availableg (delivery status subject to change)

** The EEC specification refers in each case to the installed light source(s)